Official assessments using the Hydropower Sustainability Standard are exclusively carried out by Accredited Assessors to ensure the highest quality and rigour in the assessment process. These professionals have significant experience in the hydropower sector and in relevant sustainability issues. Accredited Assessors have been specifically trained to deliver quality and uniformity.
✓ Participating in periodic Accredited Assessor workshops to ensure consistency in approaches, and in periodic updates to accreditation training, especially following changes to the HS Standard performance requirements and/or Assurance System
✓ Conducting independent assessments against the HS Standard
✓ Verifying project eligibility and scope with the Project Proponent during the assessment’s establishment phase
✓ Ensure appropriate verbal, visual and documentary evidence is available for review in the assessment process
✓ Identifying any significant gaps against the HS Standard minimum requirements (good practice) and allocate points for advanced requirements achieved (best practice)
✓ Preparing an Assessment Report for the Project Proponent, and submitting this to the HS Secretariat to be considered for certification if agreed by the Project Proponent
✓ Maintaining a repository of evidence throughout the duration of certification to be made available to the HS Council in case of complaints
✓ Ensuring that there is no conflict of interest when undertaking Assessments.
Accredited Lead Assessors
Accredited Assessors
Provisionally Accredited Assessors
Steps to Become an Accredited Assessor
This application should include completed application form, CV and copies of relevant certifications. Please note that prior to the start of the training, participants are expected to have completed the HSS online course and a 40-hour EMS Lead Auditor training with sufficient content on ISO 14001 or 19011 (certified by IRCA or equivalent organisation in your country).
Once the training has been completed and the exam successfully passed, a 5-year PAA licence agreement is issued. Individuals are only awarded the PAA status if all relevant documentation is submitted including the ISO certificate.
*Please note that if the training has been successfully completed, but it has not been possible to complete the ISO course in time, then individuals will become an Internal Assessor (IA). They will not be able to participate in official assessments but they can conduct internal assessments and various capacity building work. Once the ISO certificate has been provided, their status will be updated to PAA. -
PAA status allows individuals to make contractual arrangements with a client, however for full Assessor accreditation, PAAs are required to participate in at least one official Assessment using the HS Standard. During this assessment the PAA is mentored by an Accredited Lead Assessor(s) on the assigned topic evaluations and general performance.
After an assessment, a PAA evaluation form is completed and submitted by the Accredited Lead Assessor(s) to the HS Secretariat for approval. If a second official Assessment is deemed necessary then feedback will be provided and the ALA and HS Secretariat will work with the PAA on areas that require further development.
Once the appraisal has been approved, the HS Secretariat will update the status of the individual to Accredited Assessor. A new 5-year AA agreement will be signed, and an annual licence fee of EURO 250 will be paid. description
To maintain these licences, PAAs and AAs are expected to comply with all the terms of the licences, including adherence to the code of ethics and continuous professional development through participation in focal area workshops and trainings.
For more information, please email us at