Andrew Harwood

Andrew Harwood Accredited Assessor

Andrew is a Senior Environmental Scientist with Ecofish Research based in British Columbia, Canada. He holds a BSc in Zoology from Edinburgh University and a PhD in Fish Ecology from the University of Glasgow. With 20 years of consulting experience, Andrew has worked in stream, wetland, and lake ecosystems from the tropics to the Arctic Circle and has international experience in conducting research and baseline studies, environmental impact assessments, environmental flow assessments, operational and compliance monitoring, and the development of mitigation and habitat compensation plans. This experience has been gained in the hydropower, mining, oil and gas, and pulp and paper sectors in North America, Asia, South and Central America, and Europe. His experience has ranged from evaluating the physiological and behavioural impacts to individual fish from chemical and physical disturbances, to the population level impacts associated with multiple stressors at the watershed scale. Andrew also has extensive experience in developing guidance for regional and national regulators with respect to environmental monitoring programs and the design, assessment and implementation of environmental flows to improve the sustainability of hydropower and other resource development projects. He is also published in the primary scientific literature on environmental flows, fish passage, and fish ecology.



Andrew Scanlon


Afsona Atobekova