Jørn is a Senior Environmental Consultant with Multiconsult based in Norway. He holds a Ph.D. and M.Sc. in tropical ecology and has more than 15 years worldwide experience in biodiversity conservation and natural resource management. He has delivered a wide range of environmental consultancy services to hydropower clients, including environmental and social impact assessments, strategic environmental assessments, environmental flow assessments, resettlement action plans, environmental audits, compliance monitoring, and ESG due diligence. In Multiconsult, he works closely with hydropower planners and engineers to find practical solutions that make projects more sustainable and environmentally friendly. This has recently also included hybrid solutions with floating solar PV on hydropower reservoirs. Jørn has worked on projects in Sub-Saharan Africa (Ethiopia, Tanzania, Malawi, Kenya, Liberia, South Sudan, Somalia, Nigeria, Benin), Asia (Pakistan, India, Myanmar, Malaysia), Europe (Norway, Albania), and Latin America (Panama).

Location: Oslo, Norway

Email: jorn.stave@multiconsult.no
