Vincent Dehail


Vincent is a senior consultant based in Lausanne, Switzerland. He holds a Master of Applied Science in Civil Engineering and a Certificate of Advanced Studies in river restoration. With over 20 years of engineering experience covering water resources, hydropower generation and river training. He has conducted numerous hydropower-related studies including hydrology, power and energy assessments, flood hazard mapping, hydraulic design of waterways, river restoration, sediment transport, and fish passages. Vincent has also developed measures to minimize the impact of dams on sediment transport, fish migration, and short-term flow variability.

Vincents expertise spans all project phases, from design to implementation for various projects. In different countries such as Canada, France, Switzerland, the United States, India, Malaysia, Georgia, Turkey, Algeria, and Haiti. Currently serving as a senior project manager at MHYD Group, a spin-off of the Swiss Competence Center for Energy Research in Hydropower (SCCER-SoE), Vincent is fluent in French and proficient in English and German.


Jonida Hafizi


Deny Tjahja Ramadhani