Helen Locher
Helen has played a leading role in development and implementation of the Hydropower Sustainability Tools since the early 2000s, including coordinating the Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Forum (2008-2010), developing training materials, and authoring the IHA’s Hydropower Sustainability Guidelines on Good International Industry Practice (2018) and How to Guide for Resettlement (2020). Helen has participated in and led hydropower sustainability assessments in Australia, Austria, Bhutan, Brazil, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Iceland, India, Kazakhstan, Laos, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, South Africa and Vietnam. Helen holds a B.Sc. (Earth Science), M.Env.Sc. (Environmental Science), and PhD (Civil Engineering, on riverine interactions of regulated flows with mine tailings).
Helen led award-winning social and environmental programs for Hydro Tasmania between 1997-2015, and since 2015 has delivered sustainable hydropower-related assignments as an independent consultant for the World Bank, International Finance Corporation, Asian Development Bank, Mekong River Commission, International Hydropower Association, major energy businesses, and other clients.
She sits on several water and energy boards as a company director, and in 2020-21 served as Chair of the Hydropower Sustainability Standard Working Group. Helen has received two international awards for her contribution to sustainable hydropower: IHA’s Mosonyi Award in 2015, and Hydrovision’s International Women with Hydro Vision award in 2019.
Location: Tasmania, Australia
Email: helen.locher@gmail.com