Filipa newton
Filipa is an environmental consultant and auditor, with a degree in Environmental Engineer, specialization in Environmental Management Systems, Auditing, Modelling and Environmental Impact Assessment (Dipl.-Ing., equiv. to M.Sc.).
An Expert and Lead Auditor on Water Efficiency, Water-Energy-Climate Nexus, ESG, Circular Economy and Sustainability, Filipa has managed and manages multiple projects and audits for buildings, large infrastructures, and communities.
As CEO & CNEW (Chief for the Water-Energy Nexus) @Infinite.ε consulting, Filipa helps companies, communities, hydropower, and river basin projects to evolve and thrive in a sustainable way, using purpose-oriented approaches, recognized standards, and practical tools & solutions.
For more than 20 years Filipa has been developing research, consultancy, advisory, stakeholder engagement, public policies and standards for public and private organizations, companies, and the Government, on water efficiency, water resources management, energy and climate transition, participating in sectoral working-groups and networks at national, European and International level, including Lusophone (Portuguese-speaking) nations.
Founded and served as Chair (2022-2023) of the Water-Energy Nexus Working Group at the European Energy Network (EnR). Filipa Is a full Member of the Portuguese Order of Engineers and works as an expert evaluator for the EU.
Languages: Portuguese (native speaking), English and Spanish.