David Procter
David is a principal environmental scientist with Entura, part of Hydro Tasmania, based in Australia. He has over 25 years’ experience in environmental management specialising in environmental impact assessment and regulatory compliance of hydropower and other renewable energy developments. He has managed the environmental aspects of numerous projects in Australia, Asia and the Pacific including the development of new on and off stream hydropower schemes, the refurbishment of existing hydropower schemes, pumped hydro energy schemes, community and utility scale wind and solar farms and battery energy storage systems, mini grids with various energy generation and storage mixes and tidal and wave development. Through his management of these projects David also has an excellent understanding of infrastructure associated with renewable energy developments including electricity transmission lines, electricity network connection, roads and pipelines.
Working with Hydro Tasmania David has contributed to the environmental management of a large and complex operating hydropower scheme. He is part of a major projects team responsible for the environmental impact assessments for the development of new and refurbished large scale hydropower projects. He has also been involved in the environmental management of Hydro Tasmania’s operating facilities including routine operational audits and audits for major refurbishment works.
David is an experienced auditor and has led environmental audits targeting all phases of project development as well as for operational facilities. He has audited projects/facilities against developer/operator plans and policies, regulatory conditions, industry standards and guidelines, international lending institution safeguards and national and international environmental and sustainability standards and policies. Working for developers David has also been responsible for preparing projects for audit.
Email: david.procter@entura.com.au