Fljótsdalsstöð Hydropower Project
Location: Eastern Iceland
Capacity: 690 MW
Stage: Operation
Owner: Landsvirkjun
Chorreritas Hydropower Project
Location: Colombia
Capacity: 19.9 MW
Stage: Implementation
Owner: Energo-Pro Colombia
Mascarenhas Hydropower Plant
Location: Espírito Santo, Brazil
Capacity: 198 MW
Stage: Operation
Owner: Energest S.A. & Paraty Energia
San Roque Multipurpose Project
Location: Central Luzon island, Philippines
Capacity: 435 MW
Stage: Operation
Owner: San Roque Power Corporation (SRPC)
Yavan Hydropower Project
Location: Sughd Province, Tajikistan
Capacity: 100MW
Stage: Preparation
Owner: OJSC “TAUZ Hydro”
Ngonye Falls Hydroelectric Project
Location: Sioma, Zambia
Capacity: 180 MW
Stage: Preparation
Owner: Western Power Co.
Clyde and Roxburgh Hydropower Projects
Location: New Zealand
Capacity: 432 and 320 MW
Stage: Operation
Owner: Contact Energy
Romanche-Gavet Hydroelectric Plant
Location: France
Capacity: 94 MW
Stage: Implementation
Owner: Électricité de France SA (EDF)
Ngoulmendjim Hydrolectric Power Station
Location: Gabon
Capacity: 83 MW
Stage: Preparation
Owner: FGIS/Eranove Group
Keeyask Generation Project
Location: Canada
Capacity: 695 MW
Stage: Preparation
Owner: Keeyask Hydropower Limited Partnership
Kaunertal Expansion Project
Location: Austria
Capacity: 1 015 MW
Stage: Preparation
Owner: TIWAG Tiroler Wasserkraft AG (TIWAG)
Kabeli-A Hydro Electric Project
Location: Nepal
Capacity: 37.6 MW
Stage: Preparation
Owner: Kabeli Energy Ltd (KEL)
Jostedal Hydropower Plant
Location: Norway
Capacity: 288 MW
Stage: Operation
Owner: Statkraft
Program Sava
Location: Croatia
Capacity: 151-156 MW
Stage: Early stage
Owner: Program Sava Ltd
Reventazón Hydroelectric Power Project
Location: Costa Rica
Capacity: 306 MW
Stage: Implementation
Owner: Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE)
Ituango Hydroelectric Project
Location: Colombia
Capacity: 2,400 MW
Stage: Implementation
Owner: Empresas Públicas de Medellín (EPM)
Mai Beni Hydropower Project
Location: Nepal
Capacity: 9.51 MW
Stage: Operation
Owner: Urja Developers & Samling Power Company
Sebzor Hydropower Project
Location: Tajikistan
Capacity: 11 MW
Stage: Preparation
Owner: Pamir Energy
Jirau Hydropower Plant
Location: Brazil
Capacity: 3,750 MW
Stage: Operation
Owner: Jirau Energia
Chuwa Khola Hydroelectric Project
Location: Nepal
Capacity: 98.17 MW
Stage: Preparation
Owner: Bizbell Energy