Chorreritas Hydropower Project


Project details

Project name: Chorreritas Hydropower Project

Project location: San Andrés River, Colombia

Installed capacity: 19.9 MW

Project developer/owner: Energo-Pro Colombia


Assessment details

Assessment tool: Hydropower Sustainability Standard

Assessment stage: Implementation

Assessment date: 27 November - 1 December 2023


Assessor team for the Chorreritas Hydropower Project


Sustainability assessment overview

The Chorreritas Hydropower Project is situated in San Andrés municipality, northern Antioquia, within an Andean valley with a rich history of settlements, agriculture, and existing hydropower projects. The project’s terrestrial footprint is minimal, impacting only a small number of properties and a few hectares of riparian forest along the San Andrés River.

Owned by the international group Energo-Pro, the project is currently under construction by Colombian contractors. The impact assessment adhered to standard Colombian regulations, with baseline information, impacts, and management plans considered appropriate for the project’s scale.

The project excelled in Resettlement, Biodiversity and Invasive Species, and Labour and Working Conditions under the Hydropower Sustainability Standard. Additionally, it has shown significant improvements in Communications and Consultation since its previous assessment in 2022, conducted using the Hydropower Sustainability ESG Gap Analysis Tool (HESG).

The public consultation period on the Assessment Report of Chorreritas ended on 30 November 2024.

Photo evidence of the printed report placed in strategic areas for project affected communities to provide comments is available here.

Learn more about Energo-Pro Colombia here.

Consult Chorreritas’ 2022 assessment using the HESG tool


Results diagram


Fljótsdalsstöð Hydropower Project


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