Sebzor Hydropower Project

Project details

Project name: Sebzor Hydropower Project

Project location: Shokhdara River, Tajikistan

Installed capacity: 11 MW

Project owner: Pamir Energy Co. (PEC)

Assessment details

Assessment tool: Hydropower Sustainability Standard (HSS)

Assessment stage: Preparation

Assessment date: 3 - 8 June 2023

Download Gap Resolution report:


Assessor team for the Sebzor Hydropower Project


Sustainability assessment overview

In June 2023, following efforts by Pamir Energy to resolve outstanding gaps towards Gold certification, the assessment team conducted a third assessment of the Sebzor Hydropower Project to validate the closure of these gaps.

This exercise focused on validating the closure of some of the gaps identified in 2022 and did not constitute a full re-assessment. The assessors reviewed only evidence related to the gaps that had been resolved. New relevant documents are listed at the end of Annex 2 of the revised report. All other information in the initial report remains valid.

The relevant gaps spanned across three HSS sections: HSS-1 E&S Assessment and Management, HSS-3 Water Quality and Sediments, and HSS-4 Community Impacts and Infrastructure Safety. Actions to resolve these gaps included a new water sampling methodology, a revised monitoring strategy for public health issues and a strengthened ESMS, including the attainment of an ISO 14001 certificate. These efforts resulted in a Gold level certification recommendation by the assessment team.

The public consultation period for the Assessment Report of Sebzor ended on 4 October 2023.

Results diagram


Assessment tool: Hydropower Sustainability Standard (HSS)

Assessment stage: Preparation

Assessment date: 30 September - 5 October 2022





Building on the findings of the HESG assessment conducted a year prior, the HS Standard assessment of Sebzor found that the project continues to show ways in which it will positively impact the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast region of Tajikistan and the Badakhshan province in Afghanistan by increased supply and reliability for the existing regional grid operated by PEC.

Since its previous assessment, PEC addressed both gaps found in the Community Impacts and Infrastructure Safety section. Beyond meeting the Minimum Requirements to qualify for an HS Standard certification, Sebzor HPP met at least 30% of the Advanced Requirements on each relevant section, making it eligible to receive a Silver certification.

The project’s HS Standard assessment report was open for a 60-day public consultation period, available on the Hydropower Sustainability Council and Pamir Energy websites, which ended on 23 February 2023. The report was also translated into Russian and shared with local communities affected by the project for their input.

Photo evidence of printed report in Russian placed in strategic areas for project affected communities to provide comments is available here.



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