Ituango Hydroelectric Project


Project details

Project name: Ituango Hydroelectric Project

Project location: Department of Antioquia, Colombia

Installed capacity: 2,400 MW

Project owner: Empresas Públicas de Medellín (EPM)

Assessment details

Assessment tool: Hydropower Sustainability Standard (HSS)

Assessment stage: Implementation

Assessment date: 31 October - 11 November 2022


Assessor team for the Ituango Hydroelectric Project


Sustainability assessment overview

The assessment report reveals the Ituango Hydroelectric Project’s investments in labour and working conditions and livelihood improvement. Notably, the project has actively supported the Nutabe community in obtaining official recognition as an Indigenous Community, contributing to improved livelihoods for the community members.

The independent assessors found evidence of a robust emergency preparedness and response plan that was put to the test during a contingency in 2018. Despite significant downstream flooding and infrastructure damage, it resulted in the safe evacuation of all community members.

The project's efforts towards conservation were evidenced in the report, for example, through its acquisition and restoration of more than 17,778 hectares of partially degraded tropical forest, as well as their aspiration to collaborate with Conservation International in establishing biodiversity corridors.

Overall, the Ituango project met and exceeded minimum requirements in all environmental, social and governance topics.

The public consultation period for the Assessment Report of Ituango ended on 21 August 2023.

Learn more about Empresas Públicas de Medellín (EPM)


Results diagram


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