Stortemelk Hydropower Plant

Project details

Project location: Free State Province, South Africa

Installed capacity: 4.3 MW

Project owner: Stortemelk Hydro (RF) Proprietary Limited


Assessment details

Assessment tool: Hydropower Sustainability ESG Gap Analysis Tool (HESG)

Assessment stage: Operation

Assessment date: 9-20 November 2020, remote

No comments were received during the public consultation period.


Assessor for the Stortemelk Hydropower Plant


Sustainability assessment overview

The site selection and design of the Stortemelk Hydropower Plant have resulted in an exceptionally small environmental and social footprint. There are no significant social impacts, but substantial benefits for the local community through job creation and an ongoing socio-economic development programme. The project is very efficient, has a high load factor and contributes to South Africa’s transition to a low-carbon economy.

Two significant gaps were identified related to improved public access to project information, and closer coordination with the owner of the dam (South African government) to clarify responsibilities for maintenance and emergency preparedness. Corrective actions were agreed for the coming 1-12 months.


Results diagram


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