San Roque Multipurpose Project
Project details
Project name: San Roque Multipurpose Project
Project location: Central Luzon island, Philippines
Installed capacity: 435 MW
Project owner: San Roque Power Corporation (SRPC)
Assessment details
Assessment tool: Hydropower Sustainability Standard (HSS)
Assessment stage: Operation
Assessment date: 15-20 April 2024
Assessor team for the San Roque Multipurpose Project
Sustainability assessment overview
The assessment of the San Roque Multipurpose Project (SRMP) reveals effective environmental and social management practices provide significant benefits, including irrigation, flood protection, and power generation. Employee well-being is prioritized through robust human resource policies and safety programs.
The project is actively addressing challenges with reservoir sedimentation and heavy metal contamination, demonstrating a commitment to continuous improvement. Communities affected by the project are fairly compensated, with livelihood support programs in place that are being strengthened for greater impact. Biodiversity initiatives are making good progress, with efforts underway to adopt a more comprehensive approach to ecosystem health.
Stakeholder engagement, particularly with Indigenous Peoples, is strong, and ongoing efforts aim to enhance communication and coordination with all stakeholders. Overall, SRMP meets many sustainability standards and is committed to refining its practices to achieve long-term sustainability goals.
The public consultation period for the Assessment Report of the San Roque Multipurpose Project ended on 15 October 2024.
Photo evidence of the printed report placed in strategic areas for project affected communities to provide comments is available here.