Mascarenhas Hydropower Plant
Project details
Project name: Mascarenhas Hydropower Plant
Project location: Rio Doce, Espírito Santo State, Brazil
Installed capacity: 198 MW
Project owner: Energest S.A.
Assessment details
Assessment tool: Hydropower Sustainability Standard (HSS)
Assessment stage: Operation
Assessment date: 6- 10 May 2024
Assessor team for the Mascarenhas Hydropower Plant
Sustainability assessment overview
The Mascarenhas Hydropower Plant has been providing low-carbon electricity for 50 years, allowing surrounding ecosystems and communities to adapt. Originally built by Espírito Santo State's public power company, it was privatised and eventually sold to VH Brasil, a company co-owned by Paraty Energia and Victory Hill (VH Global Sustainable Energy Opportunities plc - GSEO).
The assessment of the project revealed excellent performance in sections like Labor and Working Conditions and Water Quality. The project scored over 60% in the Hydropower Sustainability Standard's advanced requirements, making it elligible to receive a Gold Certification for its strong environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance.
The public consultation period for the Assessment Report of the Mascarenhas Hydropower Plant closed on 15 November 2024.
Photo evidence of the printed report placed in strategic areas for project affected communities to provide comments is available here.