Jirau Hydropower Plant
Project details
Project name: Jirau Hydropower Plant
Project location: Madeira River, Rondônia, Brazil
Installed capacity: 3,750 MW
Project owner: Jirau Energia
Assessment tool: Hydropower Sustainability
Assessment Protocol (HSAP)
Assessment stage: Implementation
Assessment date: 20 - 28 September 2012
Assessors for this project
Jirau is a very strong performer across its sustainability profile, with 4s and 5s on all topics with the exception of two. Topic I‐10 Resettlement has one significant gap against basic good practice, despite being fully compliant with Brazilian legislative requirements, due to an inability to track and ensure positive outcomes for living standards and livelihoods for several sub‐groups. Topic I‐15 Biodiversity and Invasive Species meets Basic Good Practice, but has two significant gaps against Proven Best Practice because of present uncertainties about outcomes of environmental compensation and fish passage measures.
Across all of the topics, including the two mentioned above, the project has implemented impressive policies, management systems, programs and procedures to back up the strong sustainability commitments of the project, its shareholders and financiers, and the regulatory authorities. Alongside these management structures is a communications approach, through a Sustainability Forum and a number of types of grievance mechanisms, and a level of public disclosure that is exceptional.
The Jirau hydropower project earned a Gold certification against the Hydropower Sustainability Standard in October 2023. Consult the projects HS Standard assessment page.