Trevallyn Power Station
Project details
Project name: Trevallyn Power Station
Project location: South Esk River, Tasmania, Australia
Installed capacity: 96 MW
Project owner: Hydro Tasmania
Commission date: 1955
Assessment details
Assessment tool: Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Protocol (HSAP)
Assessment stage: Operation
Assessment date: August - October 2011, with an on-site assessment on 2-7 October 2011
No comments were received during the public consultation period.
Assessor team for the Trevallyn Power Station
Sustainability assessment overview
Hydro Tasmania’s governance and management is generally of a high international standard, and the Trevallyn Power Station and its impacts are well-managed. Hydro Tasmania as a company responds well to most opportunities to engage with partners to minimise impacts.
Trevallyn meets at least Basic Good Practice (a score of 3) for all but one topic. The exception is 0-15, Biodiversity and Invasive Species (score of 2), owing to the cessation of monitoring of the effectiveness of a measure taken partly with the objective of improving conditions for biodiversity downstream of the dam.