Program Sava
Project details
Project name: Program Sava
Project location: Sava River, Croatia
Installed capacity: 151-156 MW
Project owner: Program Sava Ltd
Assessment details
Assessment tool: Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Protocol (HSAP)
Assessment stage: Early stage
Assessment date: June - July 2014, with an on-site assessment on 30 June-4 July 2014
Assessor for Program Sava
Sustainability assessment overview
Program Sava is a multipurpose scheme incorporating up to seven hydropower schemes, totalling between 151 and 156 MW.
Programme objectives include: flood protection and control; replenishment of groundwater aquifers; stabilisation of the riverbed and riverbanks; power generation; urban regeneration; transport; and irrigation and drainage. It is a high‐profile programme, with significant implications for the long term development of Croatia’s capital city.